Whole Body Cryotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy is a versatile and quick treatment that increases your blood circulation as well as the release of feel-good endorphins and anti-inflammatory proteins, allowing for accelerated recovery, alleviated muscle pain, calorie burn, and an increase in overall wellness and beauty.

Localised Cryotherapy

Localised Cryotherapy helps to relieve local tension and pain and help nursing soft tissue, muscle or tendon injuries. The Localised Facial combines cooling of the skin with antibacterial blue light, resulting in brighter, tighter and healthier appearance.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Saunas are essential for optimum health. The radiant heat deeply penetrates into your joints, muscles and tissues increasing oxygen flow and circulation, whilst removing impurities and waste from your body. Its time to detox, purify and rejuvenate!

Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

Red Light Therapy is essential for our energy system, with it being among one of the oldest applied restorative therapies. The combination of red and infrared light can help treat injuries, reduce pain, increase blood circulation, and boost energy levels.

Compression Therapy

Compression Therapy will assist your body in improving blood circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid, as well as enhancing recovery. Normatec is the leader in rapid recovery and their restorative massage allows you to warm up quickly, and leave you feeling completely revitalised.