Should You Try Cryotherapy to Help Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Cryotherapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

 A common condition that causes pain, stiff joints, and inflammation is arthritis. It can make staying active quite a challenge for those affected by the condition. The type of pain experienced will vary from person to person as sometimes it can come and go, and for others, pain can be an everyday experience. While there is no cure for the condition there are treatments that you can use to ease symptoms.  

Cryotherapy for Arthritis 

If you have been looking into treatments for arthritis, then you need to read about Cryotherapy. It is a pain relief option that we offer at our LondonCryo clinics. We treat a range of conditions with this service including, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and many more. 

Cryotherapy can treat pain, and this will improve your wellness and overall health. But how does it work? Cryotherapy relieves pain by: 

  • Reducing local and systemic inflammation that can be the cause of pain 

  • The therapy triggers pain-relieving endorphins.

  • We use cold sensors which travel to the brain and reduce the feeling of pain. 

 During the whole-body treatment, your body will be exposed to a very low temperature of –130 degrees. It is not for long, around one to three minutes. You will be in an enclosure on your own, and your head will not be covered so, it will stay at room temperature.  

We use low temperatures because this shocks the body and this makes your heart and blood pressure increase while activating the nervous system. Anti-inflammatory proteins are increased, and these help the affected areas.  

Cold temperatures can help with sports, injuries, mental wellbeing, and much more.  

Should You Try Cryotherapy for Arthritis? 

These treatments are designed to relieve pain when suffering from arthritis. If this, is you then contact our team because we can discuss your treatment options. You can of course discuss any concerns you have with your doctor.

Cold compresses and other alternative treatments can aid the pain, and our treatment works similarly. It is the perfect way to manage pain if you don’t want to take tablets and put medicated products on your skin.  

In the meantime, if you are struggling with pain, a cold compress could be an option, these have been proven to reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Before you try any treatments or products please check with your doctor before use.  

Our treatments can help with the main symptoms including pain, swelling, warmth, and stiffness.  

How Much are Sessions? 

Our expert team will discuss your arthritic condition with you and as a result, you will get a recommended treatment plan with how many sessions you ideally should have. We have a full list of prices for all of our treatments. For Cryotherapy the prices start at £76.50, 10 sessions are £90, 20 are £499, and 50 are £949. 

 If you would like to book an appointment or talk more about this service or any other, then please contact the friendly team at LondonCryo today. Our experienced professionals can advise and help you with any concerns you have. See what we have to offer, and manage your pain in a healthier way.  

Maria Ensabella