Whole Body Cryotherapy in people aged 55 and older


The use of Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) began in the 1970s, particularly in Asia, Poland and Germany. From the year 2000 people began to investigate the benefits of cryotherapy and it became clear that the treatment could not only benefit athletes but also the older generation.

Whole Body Cryotherapy benefits numerous complains and chronic conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, spondylarthrosis, joint inflammation, acute and chronic low back complaints. It can be hugely beneficial when paired with performance support and rehabilitation exercises and there is even evidence to suggest it can be beneficial for cognitive problems such as Alzheimers.

It has been shown that Whole Body Cryotherapy should be included as part of a holistic approach to wellbeing in this age group and that the frequency of sessions plays an important role in its effectiveness.

The diagram below (derived from Kujawski and colleagues 2021) shows the WBC application's effects with age. The width of the arrow is aligned with the size of the effect, green arrows are related to beneficial effects, and the yellow arrows enforce WBC protocol adjustments or potentially limit WBC application.


If you are aged 55 and older and interested in using Whole Body Cryotherapy please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us on city@londoncryo.com.


Pilch, W. et al. Blood pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance in young men with class II obesity after 20 sessions of whole body cryostimulation: a preliminary study. Redox Rep 26, 10–17 (2021).

Kujawski, S., Newton, J. L., Morten, K. J. & Zalewski, P. Whole-body cryostimulation application with age: A review. J Therm Biol 96, 102861 (2021).

Maria Ensabella