Whole Body Cryotherapy changed one clients life and health.....Here is his story

“Traditional medicine can’t alone achieve the result to keep cholesterol at a level that stop the process of coronary closure”.

Here is what he shared with us

I’m so grateful to you and your kind and professional team for how LondonCryo and Whole Body Cryotherapy changed my life and my health.
As you may know I’m 58 and since my 30’s I was tested with a genetic high cholesterol
My father and all of his 6 siblings have been facing major cardiovascular diseases
through their lives and his happened because of this massive genetic production
of LDL Cholesterol.
I started 20 years ago, being a father, to take care seriously of my health, choosing a better style of life, following a strict diet, walking at least two hours a day, and taking
everyday statins (atorvastatina 20 mg) and ezetimibe (10 mg).
Thanks to these attentions I kept the level of total cholesterol at 200 and the level of LDL (the so called “bad cholesterol”) at 160.
Unfortunately this levels drove me to accumulate an excess of cholesterol in my blood that resulted into a coronary closure of 50%.
In few words, traditional medicine can’t alone achieve the result to keep cholesterol at a level 

that stop the process of coronary closure.

Right when I was losing my hope, in spring 2022, a good friend of mines, a famous Italian sport journalist, knowing my high attention for wellness, shared with me his positive feelings about cryotherapy.

Being him a trustworthy person, I took the time to step in LondonCryo at Saint John’s Wood.

My aim was just trying a new solution for anti-ageing and to support my stressed body and mind.

I felt immediately that the association of intensive sauna, ultrared light and Cryotherapy was having a key role in improving my strenght, my energy and my mood, but after 10 treatment in 15 days I had to travel to Italy where I spent few days in a medical SPA.

The day of my arrival, ritually, I had my blood test, and when I got the result I was astonished.

As you can see in the attachment, the level of cholesterol had dramatically dropped to level I couldn’t reach since 30/40 years ago.

I could not believe this was true and couldn’t explain what was the cause of this outstanding figures.

Thinking of what may have caused this, I realised that the only relevant change that could have turn out in such good news was my treatments at LondonCryo.

I asked a doctor what could the explanation be and he told me that probably cryotherapy had raised my basal metabolism and that caused this results.

As you can see in the attachment I repeated my blood test to double check and that was it.

My cholesterol has dropped as never before to a total value of 160, with LDL at 108.

So, thank you LondonCryo and thank you Maria Ensabella for making my life better and for changing my perspective about my health and my future.

Looking forward to update you on this matter

My warmest regards

LondonCryo Client (P.T. who will remain anonymous)

Our Cryotherapy service as well as infrared saunas and lymphatic drainage, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, red light photobiomodulation therapy, compression therapy, Cryofacials, Oxygen facials, slimming, toning and double chin services, IV drips are all available to book in our locations – LondonCryo City (located in Liverpool Street) and LondonCryo Belgravia (situated near the suburbs of Chelsea) and St Johns Wood High Street, St Johns Wood.

#londoncryo #reinventingcool

Maria Ensabella