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Target Red Light to treat hair conditions, have younger looking and rejuvenated skin and to improve your eyesight.

NEW Red Light Therapy Device at LondonCryo

LondonCryo intrioduces the new target red light therapy

In this blog we are going to introduce you to our new red light therapy device, the Target Light 2.0!


Firstly, as you may already know, Red Light Rising currently offers two different Target Light models and both are available at all LondonCryo locations.

The Target Light Combo and the Target Light 670.

  • The Target Light Combo:

The first one, the Combo light combines red and near infrared light, making the light perfect for rapid recovery from workouts, soothing aches and pains, to provide you with more energy throughout the day and even enhance your circadian rhythm and help you have deeper sleep cycles, plus a lot more!

The infrared light reaches deep into the body, reaching muscles, bones and organs.

  • The Target Light 670:

The second one, the 670 light only uses red light, making it the perfect light to treat hair conditions, have younger looking and rejuvenated skin and to improve your eyesight.

The red light treats mostly the top layers of the skin targeting the surface of the body.

Finally, let’s talk about the NEW Target Light 2.0.

What makes this light so great? You can basically choose if you want to have the combo features or the 670 features by just choosing the right switch position.

This means you have the two lights (the combo and the 670) in one device!


As we have already mentioned, the Target Light 2.0 allows you to choose the type of light you want to use in your session.

The switch has 3 different positions.

  • Position 1: It emits red light ONLY, which means it will equal the Target Light 670, making it perfect to treat the outside surface of the body (skin, eyes & hair).

  • Position 2: It emits near infrared light ONLY. This is a feature that only our panels used to have. You could use the infrared light only if you wanted to have a session late at night without having the red light shining on you and also if you are having longer treatments of the  joints, or organs and want to eliminate the heat of the red light.

  • Position 3: It emits BOTH red and near infrared light, which means it will equal the Target Light Combo making it the perfect device to treat the deepest layers of the body (muscles, bones, organs)


Uses & applications

The Target Light 2.0 can be used to treat any condition or need you might have.

Why? Because you can choose to emit the specific light that you need at any time.

It’s important to note that the fact that you can treat anything, does not mean that it’s the most suitable light for you.

If you want to treat targeted areas in the body, like a joint, a wound, an injury, the thyroid, the eyes, etc. it’s with no doubt, your light.

But, if you want to treat bigger areas on the body, like the whole back, an entire limb, your torso, etc. then it’s better for you to get a panel. It will reduce the amount of time you spend doing a session considerably because the panel will cover the whole area and you will not have to worry about moving the Target Light around to cover the whole surface.


To conclude, if you want a portable light, that targets small areas on the body and that offers all the possible light displays that our red light therapy devices offer, the Target Light 2.0, IS YOUR LIGHT. Used in conjunction with our local cryotherapy we will have you feel rejuvanted and speed up your recovery from injuries in no time #londoncryo #reiventingcool