LondonCryo introduces InTense for stretch mark reduction, skin toning and face rejuvenation


What is InTense?

InTense is the latest technology from Paris for stretch mark reduction and cell regeneration. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure, protected by international patent, with proven results.

InTense is a multifunctional platform combing soft sanding, electroporation, soft vacuum and electromagnetic fields; and offering 3 programs: Stretch Mark Reduction, Skin Toning and Face Rejuvenation. All procedures are performed with the use of synergetic cosmetics (hyaluronic acid and amino acid), specifically designed with a low density allowing their absorption.

InTense for Stretch Mark Reduction

A session lasts for 25 minutes. InTense boosts the production of collagen and elastin leading to a re-structuring of the skin matrix. At the same time toxins are drained from the tissue. The skin of the stretch mark progressively converts to a healthy skin with the production of new sweat glands and new melanocytes. Between 6 and 12 sessions are needed on average*. It is recommended to conduct 2 sessions per week.

InTense for Skin Toning

Like the stretch mark procedure, this procedure boosts collagen and elastin production and stimulates the cell mitosis. The skin regenerates, appearing more toned, smoother, and firmer. It is possible to focus on any body part. The tightening effect of the skin is so strong that breasts or post baby bellies are lifted in just a few sessions. The same program is used also to improve cellulite condition as it generates an intense vascularization, eliminating cellulite dimpling and draining out toxins. Between 6 and 12 sessions are needed on average, preferably undergoing 2 sessions per week. A follow up of one session per month for maintenance is recommended*.

InTense for Face Rejuvenation:

The increase in collagen and elastin improves the general aspect of the skin. The skin regenerates thanks to the increase of the cell mitosis. The whole face is plumped up, wrinkles are reduced, the skin of the neck is tightened. Results are visible from the first session. A course of 6 weekly sessions is recommended with a follow up of one session per month for maintenance*.

*Results may differ from a person to another. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits to ensure a good quality of the skin. 

This is available in our Belgravia location only