Posts tagged recovery
The Power of Whole Body Cryotherapy, Red Light Therapy, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Pain Management

Chronic pain and inflammation affect millions worldwide, reducing mobility, impacting quality of life, and making daily activities a struggle. At LondonCryo, we focus on cutting-edge therapies to help people recover, heal, and feel their best.

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Let LondonCryo help with your knee pain

Knee pain… whether it stems from an old injury or is caused by wear and tear as you get older, the truth is, living with knee pain can sometimes feel unbearable. It is debilitating and undeniably annoying at times. Trust me, we know! As knees continue to weaken and cause more pain, there will always be the option of knee surgery. This is usually expensive and can lead to months of physical therapy – and sometimes with no guarantee that you’ll return to your active lifestyle.

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The Benefits of Infrared Saunas and their possible help with covid-19

You can say opposites attract, or even that in combination they help to promote balance, think yin and yang. LondonCryo, known for our cryotherapy treatments, the use of low temperatures in medical and cosmetic therapy, offers fire as well as ice.

In addition to our traditional Whole Body Cryotherapy and other localised cryo (cold) treatments, we are now offering infrared saunas (at our Belgravia location). Similar to cryotherapy, the source is dry rather than wet allowing for more extreme temperatures and greater results. Sessions last from 25 minutes up to a 45 minute session.

At this uncertain time, the use of infrared saunas could be vitally important.

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Lyme Disease and Cryotherapy

You may have recently read that Justin Bieber has revealed that he’s been struggling with Lyme disease for a few years now. Caused by tick bites, Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that causes extreme fatigue, aches, pains and rashes. While not officially considered an autoimmune disorder, it shares many of the same symptoms as most autoimmune diseases including inflammation.

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